Sebas Update

Since last August, Sebas has been getting scanned every six weeks as the doctors have been closely monitoring three nodules in his lungs. At his last scan in June, because those nodules had remained stable, our doctor recommended he be rescanned in 3 months as opposed to 6 weeks. It was an incredibly difficult decision, since a lot can happen in 3 months. But because of the enormous stress that having constant scans puts on Sebas (and all of us), and also weighing the amount of radiation he has been subjected to, we concurred with the recommendation. These 3 months have given us some breathing room to just be together as a family and for that we have been incredibly grateful. 

At the beginning of this month we traveled back to California for Sebastián’s next set of imaging of his lungs, as well as an MRI of his hand (which was the primary site of the cancer).

With overwhelming relief we are happy to share that Sebas’ lung CT was stable!  The three lung nodules that the doctors have been monitoring have not grown or shrunk. This is incredible news! While we were hoping that everything had disappeared, we are taking this as a win and are incredibly grateful. They also didn’t see any new nodules, which is the biggest relief! Also, the MRI of Sebas’ hand was clear!

Sebas did have to be admitted to the hospital during his scans because his oxygen levels were low after he woke up from anesthesia and he tested positive for RSV. A hospital admission always brings up a lot of anxiety and trauma for Sebas and it was difficult for him, but we are grateful he was discharged after one night and was able to continue to recover from the comfort of home.


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